By Jon Innes
Published: February 21, 2011
“Too many VP- and C-level folks still have no idea how to measure the value of usability or UX design initiatives.”
I’ve recently found myself in a lot of discussions over the value of traditional user research methods. In particular, the value of that staple of user research we know as the usability test and its relevance in today’s world of Google Analytics and A/B and multivariate testing.
Business Leaders Don’t Understand the Value of Usability Testing
Having spent the past several years consulting on both UX management and user-centered design best practices—and, for about eight years prior to that, working with senior executives as a UX leader on staff, I’ve come to realize that too many VP- and C-level folks still have no idea how to measure the value of usability or UX design initiatives. Keep in mind that the key to long-term success in any corporate setting is proving our impact through objective metrics. Successful businesses are managed using numbers. Anyone who says otherwise is naïve.